Avanto Care


Medtech, Welfare tech, Health, IoT


UX, UI, Service Design

Data-driven health insights

How do we gather insights on health and facilitate the care of an increasingly elderly population? Over 3 months Avanto health’s ambition to centralize and create a ‘hub’ for all the different medtech devices and iot, along with all the insights/alerts they collect. centralise the health and care of patients led to us creating a platform for hardware and health data.

The problem

The public health sector in Sweden have increasingly invested in initiatives to gather health insights and alerts on care with a vast array of connected devices and iot solutions and wearables in pilot projects.
But many carers and healthcare workers find themselves disillusioned with technology intended to make the care and monitoring of health a smooth process. They’re often met with using multiple confusing and decentralised programs to track the wellbeing of those in their care- let alone gain deeper insights from the different data that they do find.

Mapping out the service

Avanto needed us to outline a complex software service offering that would be used across many different roles, in conjunction with both hardware and software and in line with many procedures and processes set in place by the commune and care homes. We created a service blueprint to look at different phases of use and touch points.

Details from Avanto mindsets
Service blueprint mapping

Workshop on impact and ethics

Because of the nature of the project- working with sensitive personal data, patients and workers in healthcare- I led a workshop with the team and Avanto in 2 parts; firstly to look at the ethical concerns and impact we may not have considered, then map out ways to address and act on them. We ended up discovering privacy, data and misuse points to address and act upon.

Part 1: Consequence scanning
Using tech-transformed’s ‘Responsible Product Development’ prompts we evaluated parts of Avanto’s pilot and business model- both for the unintended outcomes & ethical concerns regarding sensitive nature of handling the data of both patients and those in the commune test program.

Part 2: Mapping ways to address concerns
‘Act’; what the core team can take action on immediately. ‘Influence’: to be handled by other stakeholders- and lastly what the team can ‘Monitor’: Outside of the immediate scope of teams influence

User testing/prototyping
We went to the commune to test and discuss with our users, from management to carer. This helped us realise the scope and range of all the different softwares and electronic journals they currently have to work with.

Intended users felt frustrated at expense of pilot technology with no follow-up or figures to show for it. They had Confusion at all the different softwares and reporting they currently have to do. They wanted an easy way to quantify and evaluate effectiveness of wearables and IoT devices. They were also worried it would be used to punish lateness or generate reports used to dismiss them, not make their work easier

UI from the design system we created for Avanto

Building blocks

Myself and the visual designer in the project worked to define a design system - including data visualisation. Prioritising simplicity, clarity and glanceability- and for use with the react framework our developers wanted to implement for the pilot.