Case study: Nuvoair

Strategy and UX designer for Nuvoair on a team of 6. I then went on to be hired as an independent freelancer working as UX designer.
Tasks: UX/UI, Strategy, User research
- Brand strategy
- Communication concept
- User research & Personas
- Prototypes (Figma, Sketch)
The brief
After revolutionising at-home treatment for patients with their spirometery device, Nuvoair were close to launching digital products that gave assistance with a larger range of respiratory conditions, one that would only keep growing and adapting to users needs with AI-powered apps. That's where we came in - with the brief to bring clarity to NuvoAir’s growing product portfolio & guide their communication.
Over the 4 weeks, we established NuvoAir’s brand strategy & created a communication concept that would act as a guiding light. This project was an excellent chance to use my background in the NHS and passion for healthtech, explore empathic design with methodologies from the 'Human-centred design kit' from Ideo - and broaden my strategic skillset.

Kick-off workshop
The project was kicked off by a workshop with key stakeholders from Nuvoair, to hear their goals, concerns, expectations and better understand their core offering for users.
After the workshop with the stakeholders and surveying both potential and existing Nuvoair users, it was clear that both internally and externally there was confusion in relation to the brand Nuvoair and all of its communication channels. We decided to Frame our design challenge for the inspiration phase of Ideo's Design Kit.
With Nuvoair's slogan at the time being 'Bringing clarity to respiratory health', we framed our Design challenge as the question:
"How do we bring clarity to respiratory health, if we don’t have clarity as a brand?"
Our focus shifted to addressing the brand’s strategy & communication, as these elements would create the foundation for all their work moving forward, we used the brand strategy and layer of communication models (shown above) as our launching pad.

Qualitative research: Establishing user personas
We then conducted research & external interviews involving Nuvoair patients and members of medical staff to get a deeper insight into who uses Nuvoair as a platform and their goals. Privacy and sensitivity to chronic health conditions & medical data was at the forefront of our concern, so we needed a solution to display information sensitively in a formal setting.
I Illustrated & created anonymous personas as a solution for the handling of information and patient data being collected during our research phase, so it could be presented and ideated around during workshops.

Google Design Sprint
After framing our design challenge as "bringing clarity to the brand", we decided we needed to bring the stakeholders back for another workshop. In order for Nuvoair to establish a clear & united brand platform the team facilitated a Google Venture Design Sprint with the CEO & Director of Products at Nuvoair.
From the design sprint we established core values, goals, a future roadmap and ideated around the tonality we would look to have for all aspects of Nuvoair’s future communication. It also allowed the key players in the business to align their own perception and aspirations for the brand.

Outcome: Brand platform
Using insights from our workshop with the client, and the layers of communication model, we set about establishing NuvoAir’s new brand platform as a resource they could build upon and refer to for all future communication.
For our top layer communication:
We established 3 core, internal brand values: innovation, accessibility and empowerment. We also defined a clear vision & mission from our workshop with the key shareholders.
For our supporting layer communication:
We looked at the functional, social and emotional values we provide our users and dove deeper into how they could inform all layers of communication. These materials will guide them in future growth in both product development & communication of their offering.
I then created a gitbook for all employees to have open access to the new branding materials and as a means for on-boarding new employees to Nuvoair.

Outcome: Establishing long-term feedback
Through interviewing Nuvoair’s business partners, the need for a structured PPC (Patient Provider Communication) approach to inform Nuvoair and their agile working method directly became clear, by using anticipatory feedback and the connections they already had.
Nuvoair currently provide services to the NHS Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital in the UK with a 'digital lung clinic' and wasn't utilising that connection for qualitative data or feedback.
The previous feedback structure was based around 2-4 annual meetings with the board of directors for the unit. Through contact with the hospital, it was agreed to arrange for monthly feedback and survey data from both patients and the staff that administer the digital lung clinic.